Constituted in 1944, The Prehistoric Order of Ancient Free and Facy Old Bar Stewards, of which the Dive Old and Mild is No.1 and distinct in its form. This is a unique degree prevalent only in the jurisdiction of The District Grand Lodge of Madras. The working of this degree is held on the first day evening of the District Grand Lodge Meetings.
The Dive, for short, was consecrated by the first Indian District Grand Master, RW. Bro. T. V. Muthu Krishna Iyer (Muthanna, as he was referred to by the then Brethren) primarily to aid coalescence of European expatriate and ethnic Brethren, in a convivial setting. At the inception membership was restricted to forty-five with due personal approval of R. W. Bro. Muthu Krishna Iyer the then RW. The District Grand Master. Available history does not record the creator or the institution of the Ritual of the Dive which is whimsically brilliant. This is probably the only unique degree in which colloquial terminology like ‘Mamool’ and ‘Chucker out’ are still in vogue. The prime objective that inspired the creation of this degree was Charity and it continues to contribute greatly to many noble causes. Towards the end of the Dive a charity charge is rendered by the Treasurer. The entire proceeds of the Dive is directly contributed to the DGCFT to be faithfully applied to worthy causes.
June 28, 2024, marked a momentous occasion at the Annual Communications for our sister District, the District Grand Lodge of Sri Lanka. Two significant events unfolded: the consecration of Dive Old & (Never) Mild No. 2 of the Prehistoric Order of Ancient Free and Facy Old Bar Stewards, a historic milestone for our order, and the largest-ever contingent from our District attending the Annual Communications at Sri Lanka. The delegation was warmly welcomed and hosted by the DGL of Sri Lanka. We trust that our brethren from Sri Lanka will enjoy the fellowship and charity that has long been a hallmark of Bar Dives.