The Pitt Macdonald Lodge,
No.1198 (Chennai)
Date of Warrant: October 25, 1867
If you have been following us online for a while, you have definitely heard about The Pitt MacDonald Lodge No. 1198 EC, for its numerous charitable activities. Consecrated in 1867, it was set up to perpetuate the memory of R.W.Bro.Maj.Gen.Pitt Macdonald who was the last Provincial Grand Master and the first District Grand Master (1858-1867). That the Lodge was set up in his name within a few months of his being summoned to the Grand Lodge above would show the high esteem at which the Brethren of the District had kept him. The Lodge meets on Second Tuesday of every month being the day of his passing away. The Lodge had illustrious members in the past, including RWBro. John Miller (Founding Member, and RW District Grand Master for Madras in 1875), R.W.Bro.T.V.Muthukrishna Aiyar, the first Indian to hold the office of DGM was for several years the Honorary Member of the Lodge & became a full member in 1961. The Lodge has instituted a Silver Rolling Cup in his name to be awarded to the Best Mason of the Lodge each year.
Fast forward 150+ years, today the Lodge carries forward its legacy, and is well known for its numerous charitable activities, serving the society in the areas of Education, Sanitation, Eradicating Hunger etc., worth Rs. 10.4 Lakhs per year. Projects include Scholarships, Quarterly lunches to the poor & destitute, Distributing Rice bags, Building toilets, & more…